Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Mystery Method

Stage 3 of the Mystery Method model is qualification. After you have opened the group and created attraction you need the woman you are interested in to work to obtain your interest.

Skipping this step does not work and results in a lot of failures that confuse men today.If you've ever been in a situation where you've said quot she was so into me and then allof a sudden - nothing quot it's likely because you failed to qualify. You didn't present enough of a challenge or give her a believable reason - other than her looks - why you are interested in her. Don't fall into this trap a How to disarm a beautiful woman's sexual power with Active Disinterest b Hoop Theory Controlling the Frame of the interaction c Using the Bait/Hook/Reel/Release model d The
right way to convey interest in her - and the right time e How to make your target feel that she has won you over f Compliments How to give a woman IOIs she will appreciate g How to approach mixed-sets groups with women and men 4 Rapport Comfort amp Trust and Intimacy top

This is where the game is won or lost with women of exceptional quality. Don't skip the three stages of comfort or you'll be perceived as a quot player quot .a Establishing conversational rapport to create Comfort and Trust b Demonstrating
vulnerability through quot accidentally revealed quot sensitivity c Exchanging
commonalities - various effective routines d How to establish an emotional connection e The Punishment/Reward tactic and the power of Freeze-Outs f Transitioning from Comfort and Trust to Intimacy g Mystery's kiss tactic How to make a woman want to be kissed by you h How to test if a woman is ready to be kissed i How to begin a make-out with her - And when to push her away 5 Routines top

Have you ever been talking with a woman in whom you are interested and quot run out of things to say quot Or said the wrong thing We'll fix that problem once and for all on Day 2 of the seminar. We give you enough material to last over 10 hours of conversation - more than enough to begin a sexual relationship in fact as we explain in the seminar if you take significantly longer than 10 hours to get there you are very likely to be put in let's-just-be-friends zone . Below is an example of the types of routines and material we teach.

a The Photo Routine Convey an hours worth of talk in one minute b The Digital Photo
Routine How to make out with a girl in under a minute c The Snatch Routine A speed and dexterity demonstration routine - great for making her guy friends look up to you d The Spell of Attraction routine e The Anything Game f The Choose Gino gambit g The Peg System g The Question Game g Other field-tested routines. Sometimes different routines get substituted for the ones above depending on students' skills and interests C. Day 3 1pm - 8 30pm top 1 Image amp Identity

The Mystery Method is designed for the most attractive and exceptional women. Our

experience is that you cannot get - or if you can get you cannot hold - such a woman

unless you have a coherent convincing identity that is on one hand interesting and

exciting to your ideal woman and on the other hand congruent with you really are. Women

can smell incongruence a mile away so part of image-building is reality - you may need to

change your lifestyle to attract the woman you want. Until then we teach you to fake it

'til you make it and we teach you - when you do make it - how to convey it.

a Building a powerful congruent identity - and conveying it effectively b Your Image

personalized fashion consultation c Creating a Grounding Routine personalized to your

identity d Peacock Theory How to demonstrate confidence through clothing 2 Seduction top

Seduction is where you absolutely do not want to fail after you've put in a few hours to

pass through the three phases of attraction and the three phases of comfort. If you lose

here you have to start again with someone else. Learn to approach this step with

confidence and a mastery of proven techniques. Has an interaction or date with a woman

ever been totally quot on quot until you get to the point where it would escalate - but

doesn't Resolve now to banish that problem forever. Day 3 of the seminar will be the first

day of your new skill.

a How to isolate from quot comfort location quot to quot seduction quot location b

Re-establishing comfort in the seduction location c Overcoming Last Minute Resistance

Various effective tactics d First-time sex methods to ensure a second time 3 Guest

Speakers top

One of our consistently most popular modules a top Mystery Method instructor will speak on

an area of expertise. Previous topics have included

a Fashion identity and how to have that quot it factor quot that makes women addicted to

you Style b quot Cold readings quot and quot warm readings quot to make a woman need to

see you again Savoy c Wingmanship - how to work in pairs and groups Lovedrop d Fashion and

style - not just what clothes to own but how to know what to wear Sinn e Integrating the

Venusian arts into your lifestyle - and building a lifestyle that supports your

relationship goals DJ f Threesomes foursomes and relationship management Savoy g Frame

control and hoop theory Lovedrop 4 Questions amp Answers top

A free-form discussion that relates to specific issues or concerns of individual students.

II. The Workshop top

A Mystery Method workshop is utterly unique. Mystery and his top instructors were the

first to offer live in-field instruction to select students 5 years ago. Since then he's

taught hundreds of men many of whom have gone on to become top venusian artists. The

workshop is comprised of two basic elements demonstration and practice.

Demonstration is crucial. If you don't know what quot good quot looks like then you won't

know how to model it. Everything from body language to sequencing to tonality to social

intuition can be broken down copied and integrated in your own style. You will see us

approach and meet beautiful women and demonstrate techniques for your benefit. You will

have the opportunity to watch or even be in the same social group and to ask specific

questions about each interaction afterward.

Practice is the flip slide of the coin. Trained and experienced Mystery Method instructors

will observe your interactions over the course of a night and give you solid practical and

usable feedback. We don't sugar-coat our advice - we don't have time to do that and to

teach you everything you need to know. Over three nights we will go from observing your

quot natural quot or pre-existing game to coaching you as you integrate different elements

of Mystery Method into your style and personality. By the end of the program you should

know exactly where you are succeeding and failing and what you need to do for the next few

weeks. And you won't be doing alone - you'll have joined the Mystery Method community and

will have access - through the Mystery Lounge - to talented instructors and former

students. Share your experiences help others and seek advice. We're all in this together.

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