Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Demonstrations that create jealousy

Demonstrations that create jealousy

1. Have a female wing or pivot who is "in the know" with you,
2. Build a pawn while in the club.
So for example, you are in isolation with your target, and you do a brief takeaway.
Use a lock-in prop on her (Mystery often uses his hat) and then go find a girl from a previous set. Tell her, "I'm sitting over there with my friend, let me introduce you,"
So when you come back, you come back with a friend. Of course this 'friend' then sits in your lap. A previous set has now been merged with the new one, but instead of group-to-group, it's isolation-to-isolation. You have two different girls in C1 at the same time.
From the point of view of the girl you brought over, introducing her to one of your other 'friends' is respectful and is a comfort tactic; the fact that this friend is a hot girl helps with social proof. She also feels good when you kino her in front of the other girl.
From your target's point of view — the girl who is still wearing your lock-in prop — she now has a challenge on her hands and jealousy. Bam! Sometimes the moment she first feels jealousy is also when she first consciously realizes that she is into you, and that she wants to have you over the other girl.
If you don't have ready pawns from previous sets, you can make one when you do your takeaway. So you run off and enlist a girl to directly help you by saying, "I like this girl. Will you make her jealous for me?" It's a tool.
If you have a pivot, find her and tell her to find you and sit on your lap in two minutes.
Or just game another set quickly and then when you isolate the girl from that group, say, "I've got my friend over there, let me introduce you."

So there are several options:
1. Find your pivot
2. Enlist a girl to directly help you
3. Backwards merge to a previous set
4. Forwards merge by opening a new set and bringing the new girl back to the main target

Monday, October 8, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Mystery is speaking to a beautiful woman

Mystery is speaking to a beautiful woman by the bar of a busy nightclub. Before even approaching the woman in this meeting location he had his game plan already in mind: moving her to the quiet smoking section; a good C1 location. He places his hat on her and says, "I'm going to show you some thing really neat. Come join me for a sec."
The woman replies, "Where are we going?"

"It's a special little place I like to call ... You'll See," he laughs, pointing towards the smoking section. "Just right there." He begins walking off a few feet.
While she is hesitant to leave her friends even for "a sec," she is more apt to join him because he has locked her in with his hat. Though she doesn't even smoke, she has to at least take a few steps forward to return his hat.
Meet Location to C1 Move

"What are you gonna show me?" she asks curiously as he grabs her hand and leads her through the crowd.
"Are you creative?" Mystery asks back, keeping her curious. While they move, he does a subtle interest test on her. He gauges her interest levels by loosening his grip as they walk. Does she hold his hand tightly still or let go of his hand:'
"I want to see how creative you are before I show you," he says as he pulls out a pad of paper and pen and hands them to her. Reaching the smoking section, they sit together and he places her hand on his knee and lets go. Does she leave it there? This is another subtle test.
He leans back and says, 'It's quieter out here. Ok, I need you think up a list of 10 random words, but they can't have any association with any other word you come up with."

And so, with a successful move (and an isolation from her friends as well in this case) from the meeting location to C1, he is able to begin building comfort, in this case by demonstrating his photographic memory using The Peg System and then teaching it to her.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Try complimenting a girl

Try complimenting a girl in a way that directs her to behave the way you want her to, and to play a role that's useful to you.

An example of this: "You seem to be very connected with your emotions. You seem to really listen to your woman's intuition." Or if she's being rude, or if you want to misinterpret that she was rude, say, "You're too classy to act like this."

Just tell her how you "view" her, and she will become that person for you, but only if she agrees and it is flattering for her. You are building a character for her, and she will play the role because she likes the way that the role makes her feel. Here are some examples of compliments:
• "You seem like someone who really knows what she wants, I admire that."
• "You really care about your friends. I bet you will make a really good mother."
• 'You have a good energy."
• "I notice you're the leader of your friends. Why is that?" • "You're a great conversationalist."
• "You're a very classy girl. What are you doing in a place like this?"
• "Wow you seem so confident with your friends, like you're kinda the leader of your peer group. I just love your energy... -> Are you close with your family?'" [Going into next routine.]
• "You have such an expressive personality ... That's a valuable thing in the entertainment industry. There are a million women who are beautiful; I just came back from Florida, but how many do you think have an outgoing personality like yourself? I'm telling you, that's a very attractive quality and a valuable asset."

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Pick Up Artist - The Hotseat Game

The Hotseat Game

"What's your favorite color?" "What did you think of high school?" "What did you eat for dinner last night?"

And so on. Make sure she gives you an answer and if not then say, "Yes, but that's not an answer to my question." That'll show her gently that you are in charge. Now this isn't all of it but what you're doing here is showing a lot of interest. After all you are essentially giving her permission to talk about herself. They get over any self-consciousness pretty quickly by doing this, too. Plus, it gets them to open up and if they hit on something interesting then they'll maybe elaborate for you.
But as I said there is more to it After they relax after the first few questions, you start throwing in some more personal ones such as:

"Have you ever been to the hospital emergency room?"
"How old where you when you first got drunk?"
"Did you and your siblings keep secrets'?"
"Ever bad a very rough breakup?"
"What's your favorite food / vacation / place to visit" (use your imagination)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Demonstration of Higher Value

Demonstration of Higher Value (DHV)

Anything you can do that conveys higher survival and replication value is a DHV. For example, if you open a set and you already have two girls with you, you have demonstrated pre-selection, which is a DHV. When girls see that other girls have pre-selected you, they feel more attracted to you as a result.

If a woman discovers that you have a lot of money, it is a DHV. She will find you more attractive, all other factors being the same. But if she perceives that you are trying to impress her with your money, she will then lose attraction. This is because only lower-value people try to impress — such behavior is known as a demonstration of LOWER value, or DLV. If you are trying to impress, you must be of lower status and thus unattractive.

If a woman sees that you have a lot of social proof from gaming the room, she will feel more attracted to you, because social proof is a DHV. If, however, she sees that you are socially unaware and inept, then it is a DLV. When you DLV, it lowers her perception of your S and R value, which makes her feel emotionally less attracted.
Telling stories that are fun, interesting, and emotionally relevant, demonstrates social skill, which is a DHV. A story can also be structured to convey specific characteristics in the subtext, allowing you to surreptitiously flip attraction switches.

Negging is also a DHV, because only a high value guy would talk to her like that, and seem sincere. You must already have girls if you talk in such a way.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

PickUp Artist - Male competition

Male competition. Yes there are other guys — but they don't count. They don't smile; they don't surround themselves with talking and laughing people, they don't walk around with a smile on their face. Instead they hold a beer to their chest and try to look cool' These guys are not really competition at all.

• Befriend the social guys, and practice gaming them. One of the attraction switches in women is the lender of men switch. When you lead the men, the women will follow.

• Be the observed. There are constantly little events going on in the Field: A flash goes off as a group of people pose for a picture. A man teaches a woman a little dance move. A group of people bust up laughing. A girl gasps at an impressive routine, and people nearby look over to see what is going on. Are you the observer when these things happen, or the observed?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pick Up Artist - The 3-Second Rule

The 3-Second Rule

You want to be in a set within three seconds of entering the venue. Just walk right up to the first set of people that you see and open them. This is called the 3-second rule. Remember, you are not only working the set, but the entire room-No one else knows whether you are already acquainted with these people. It certainly seems as if you know them — you entered the venue, walked right up to them, and now they are having a fun conversation with you. You must be a social guy with lots of friends!

Then you move on to the next set, and the positive perception of you continues to grow. You are becoming socially proofed in this venue. Notice the magical ease with which sets will open up to you when you have this level of social proof For this reason, it is important not to be too selective in choosing your sets. It's better to be in a set than to get picky and end up alone when you should be working the room.
Another interpretation of the three-second rule states: Within three seconds of spotting a set that you want to open, you must open that set.

This really adds a natural spontaneity to the approach. The difference in your state of mind is noticeable. A woman can usually tell when a man is working up the courage to approach her, which can lower her perception of his value. But if you follow the three second rule, she will have a feeling like you just popped up out of nowhere. A very nice energy is added to the interaction when following this rule.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Describe in terms of sensation and emotion

Describe in terms of sensation and emotion

When telling stories, men tend to focus on the facts at hand, whereas women look for the sensation and emotion caused by the experience. Structure your language to take this into account. Example:

Bad: This guy grabbed my ass, can you believe that? I looked like an idiot.
Good: Then I felt a strong hand caress my ass and grip it tightly. I turned around, and there was this man with a handlebar mustache smiling suggestively at me. All the girls started laughing. I have never.. .felt so surprised.. .and embarrassed.. .in my entire life!

Notice how the above story segment conveys the emotions of surprise and embarrassment — both of which are useful during a story. Three or four story segments like this put together can lead the listener through a little emotional journey. With skilled delivery, this is a DHV, even if it doesn't reveal some value-raising factoid about your lire.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Just tell her how you "view" her

Just tell her how you "view" her, and she will become that person for you, but only if she agrees and it is flattering for her. You are building a character for her, and she will play the role because she likes the way that the role makes her feel. Here are some examples of compliments:

• "You seem like someone who really knows what she wants, I admire that."
• "You really care about your friends. I bet you will make a really good mother."
• 'You have a good energy."
• "I notice you're the leader of your friends. Why is that?" • "You're a great conversationalist."
• "You're a very classy girl. What are you doing in a place like this?"
• "Wow you seem so confident with your friends, like you're kinda the leader of your peer group. I just love your energy... -> Are you close with your family?'" [Going into next routine.]
• "You have such an expressive personality ... That's a valuable thing in the entertainment industry. There are a million women who are beautiful; I just came back from Florida, but how many do you think have an outgoing personality like yourself? I'm telling you, that's a very attractive quality and a valuable asset."

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Mystery's Kiss Close

Mystery's Kiss Close

You ask, "Would you like to kiss me?
If she says yes, kiss her.

If she says, "Maybe," ''Why?", "What do you mean" or "I donno" it means she does, but is shy about it. Reply with a gleam in your eye, "Let's find out..." *kiss* Remember to caress the back of her neck to show you mean business

If she says no, you reply, "Well I didn't say you could, it just looked like you had something on your mind." (Don't ask "Why not?"This shows low self-esteem.)
If she says, "not yet" or "not here" it means she is open to it but there is a logistical issue. Perhaps her friends are nearby, or she needs more gaming first. Say, "I understand," and continue gaming her.

Does it seem as if most of these lines involve asking her for permission in order to kiss her? Is that wimpy? They are just considerations. We've found that just going for the kiss without indicating your intentions can sometimes lead to embarrassment — more than her saying just saying no. When she says no, that is much easier to save face from than the situation where you try to kiss her and she moves away.
That having been said, feel free to field-test every possible kiss move that you can think of. Just go right in for the kiss without saying a word. If she turns her head, use your hand to turn it back and kiss her anyway. Test it out a hundred times. Be enthusiastically willing to brainstorm and experiment.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Tips in the Venue

Tips in the Venue

Bars and clubs are probably not the venues where you plan to find your future wife. Nevertheless, these are target rich environments and thus are perfect for practicing game. Here are some tips:
• As a general rule — but not a dogmatic one — don't offer to buy drinks for girls. If she asks you to buy her a drink, turn her down. Although you can break this rule, it's preferable to get your game so tight that she will be buying you drinks.
• Be willing to crash and burn on every set for the entire night. Do it for fun with your wing.
• Give your wing S200. Then he gives you $20 every time you approach a set. This game is very effective.
• Be willing to go out alone if you have to.
• Don't hold your drink in front of your chest like a security blanket. Hold it low to your hip.
• Don't try to look 'cool' or 'tough,' or you will just look boring. Instead, be comfortable and friendly.
• Enthusiasm is contagious.
• Smile as you walk around the venue. Guys who don't get laid, don't smile.
• Once you open a set, stop smiling so much. You don't want to appear try-hard.
• You ran your opener, but the set didn't hook? Run another one. Stack your material if for no other reason than to get practice. Stacking routines is a useful skill in-and-of itself.
• It usually takes three warm-up approaches to really get in the groove.
• Avoid noisy areas. If you can't talk, you can't run game. Find the quiet areas of the club. And avoid the dance floor — it's a trap.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Emotional investment

Emotional investment. Women are reluctant to allow themselves to become emotionally vulnerable around men of dubious intent or low S and R value. A woman knows that once she gets emotional, it becomes much more difficult to extract herself from the situation.

• Physical investment. Kissing is a bigger investment than walking arm-in-arm. Sex is the biggest investment of all.
• Time. The more time you spend together, the more invested she becomes. It takes an average of four to ten hours before sex.
• Effort. Is she chasing? People don't value that which comes too easily.
The more effort she puts in, the more invested she has become.
• Money. Did you buy her a drink, or did she buy one for your
Many of the tactics in the game are not designed to attract her, but rather to use that attraction as bait in order to get her more invested in her interaction with you. (See chapter 6 for these tactics.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Discomfort and confrontation

Discomfort and Confrontation

Women tend to avoid discomfort and confrontation. This may seem rather common-sense, but these points are critical to achieving success in the game:

• Have a positive, open attitude. Don't be judgmental or jealous.
• Don't act as if tilings are a big deal. They aren't.
• Don't complain or be emotionally punishing. If you call her on her shit while talking on the phone, she will just avoid talking to you on the phone. Instead of being the whiny or emotionally abusive boyfriend whenever she pulls a fast one, be the guy who has plenty of options.
• If she flakes on you, don't confront her about it next time you see her. Are you the guy who sat around and got upset? Or are you the guy who called over another girl and then forgot all about it?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Another example of female intuition

Another example of female intuition

Women often look for the "real meaning" behind what you say. For example, if you tell a story about your "friend-" she will usually assume that you are actually talking about yourself. This can be useful when the story demonstrates higher value. For example, if you don't want to look like a braggart, you could say, "My friend hooked up with this amazing girl and they had wild sex all weekend..."

On the flipside, if you want her to believe that the story really is about someone else (like if it demonstrates lower value) then use a specific name. For example, "My friend Craig woke up last weekend with a condom in his ass and..."
Shell assume you really are talking about someone else if you give him a name.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pick Up Artist - LOVE

LOVE (Relationships): This refers mainly to your loving relationships, but
may also extend to friendships, family members, and business relationships. If you want to have loving relationship success, you must study relationships and in particular how to begin one.

You may maintain an area, improve it or neglect it If you rate your success in any area from 1 to 10, a 10 requires you to only maintain it. If the rating is below 10, you will need to devise a way to improve your success in that area. If you neglect an area too long then the quality of your life will decline.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Pick Up Artist - A woman’s indicators of interest

A woman’s indicators of interest
, or IOIs, notify when to go from the attract stage to the comfort stage, but you must not do so until she has legitimately earned your IOIs as well! Getting IOIs from a woman is simply not enough reason to begin returning them. If you are too easy, she will mark you as another notch in her belt and move on in search of more challenging conquests.

Some IOI Examples:
• She touches you. When you say, "Hands off the merchandise", she touches you again.
• When you grab her hands and hold them, she holds back.
• She laughs at all your humorous remarks, and the ones that aren’t funny.
• When you ask her to bite your neck, she does.
• She asks you for your name.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Women select for survival and replication value

Women select for survival and replication value

So what are some characteristics that convey S and R value?

Looks and height. All other factors being the same, women will generally be more attracted to taller or better-looking men. However, if you are short or ugly, that is absolutely no excuse to feel sorry for yourself. There are plenty of successful venusian arists who aren't very tall or classically attractive. Looks and height are real factors, and should be taken into account — but they aren't dealbreakers.

• Being healthy and in shape.
Although it's possible to eat wrong, avoid the gym, and still pick up girls, men who stay fit are simply more attractive to women. This really has a big effect on results; people who work out not only look better, but they also give off a better energy in social interactions.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Social Awareness

Social Awareness

The various aspects of social networking are of great interest to people and especially women, including status, reputation, competition, and alignments and pair bonds.

Discretion is a virtue
When she says, "not here," you say, "I understand."
A woman's reputation directly influences her social status. This is why women are easier to get into bed when they are on vacation — they are more likely to indulge in an adventure for which they trust there are no social consequences. This is also why women are appreciative of men who understand and practice discretion.

A venusian artist will never brag about his sexual conquests. If you do, not only will it eventually get back to her, but any other woman who hears it will also be on notice that sexual relations with you carry social consequences. So, for example, when you obtain a phone number from a woman, don't walk straight over to your friends and be seen high-fiving them enthusiastically.

Anti-Slut Defense
The word 'Slut' is a weapon that women use against other women
Women have a powerful interruption mechanism known as anti-slut defense,
or ASD. Not only does she prefer to avoid having others perceive her as a slut, which would pose dire consequences to her social status, but also she wants to avoid the discomfort of feeling like a slut. Thus she has the ASD interrupt mechanism to help her avoid this fate.

ASD is what makes a girl blurt out 'I have a boyfriend' (whether she actually does or not) — because you escalated faster than she was comfortable with.

Time in the field will eventually improve your calibration to the point where you can escalate without activating her ASD. Chapter 6 describes how to escalate smoothly through the use of false disqualifiers.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Mystery Method

Stage 3 of the Mystery Method model is qualification. After you have opened the group and created attraction you need the woman you are interested in to work to obtain your interest.

Skipping this step does not work and results in a lot of failures that confuse men today.If you've ever been in a situation where you've said quot she was so into me and then allof a sudden - nothing quot it's likely because you failed to qualify. You didn't present enough of a challenge or give her a believable reason - other than her looks - why you are interested in her. Don't fall into this trap a How to disarm a beautiful woman's sexual power with Active Disinterest b Hoop Theory Controlling the Frame of the interaction c Using the Bait/Hook/Reel/Release model d The
right way to convey interest in her - and the right time e How to make your target feel that she has won you over f Compliments How to give a woman IOIs she will appreciate g How to approach mixed-sets groups with women and men 4 Rapport Comfort amp Trust and Intimacy top

This is where the game is won or lost with women of exceptional quality. Don't skip the three stages of comfort or you'll be perceived as a quot player quot .a Establishing conversational rapport to create Comfort and Trust b Demonstrating
vulnerability through quot accidentally revealed quot sensitivity c Exchanging
commonalities - various effective routines d How to establish an emotional connection e The Punishment/Reward tactic and the power of Freeze-Outs f Transitioning from Comfort and Trust to Intimacy g Mystery's kiss tactic How to make a woman want to be kissed by you h How to test if a woman is ready to be kissed i How to begin a make-out with her - And when to push her away 5 Routines top

Have you ever been talking with a woman in whom you are interested and quot run out of things to say quot Or said the wrong thing We'll fix that problem once and for all on Day 2 of the seminar. We give you enough material to last over 10 hours of conversation - more than enough to begin a sexual relationship in fact as we explain in the seminar if you take significantly longer than 10 hours to get there you are very likely to be put in let's-just-be-friends zone . Below is an example of the types of routines and material we teach.

a The Photo Routine Convey an hours worth of talk in one minute b The Digital Photo
Routine How to make out with a girl in under a minute c The Snatch Routine A speed and dexterity demonstration routine - great for making her guy friends look up to you d The Spell of Attraction routine e The Anything Game f The Choose Gino gambit g The Peg System g The Question Game g Other field-tested routines. Sometimes different routines get substituted for the ones above depending on students' skills and interests C. Day 3 1pm - 8 30pm top 1 Image amp Identity

The Mystery Method is designed for the most attractive and exceptional women. Our

experience is that you cannot get - or if you can get you cannot hold - such a woman

unless you have a coherent convincing identity that is on one hand interesting and

exciting to your ideal woman and on the other hand congruent with you really are. Women

can smell incongruence a mile away so part of image-building is reality - you may need to

change your lifestyle to attract the woman you want. Until then we teach you to fake it

'til you make it and we teach you - when you do make it - how to convey it.

a Building a powerful congruent identity - and conveying it effectively b Your Image

personalized fashion consultation c Creating a Grounding Routine personalized to your

identity d Peacock Theory How to demonstrate confidence through clothing 2 Seduction top

Seduction is where you absolutely do not want to fail after you've put in a few hours to

pass through the three phases of attraction and the three phases of comfort. If you lose

here you have to start again with someone else. Learn to approach this step with

confidence and a mastery of proven techniques. Has an interaction or date with a woman

ever been totally quot on quot until you get to the point where it would escalate - but

doesn't Resolve now to banish that problem forever. Day 3 of the seminar will be the first

day of your new skill.

a How to isolate from quot comfort location quot to quot seduction quot location b

Re-establishing comfort in the seduction location c Overcoming Last Minute Resistance

Various effective tactics d First-time sex methods to ensure a second time 3 Guest

Speakers top

One of our consistently most popular modules a top Mystery Method instructor will speak on

an area of expertise. Previous topics have included

a Fashion identity and how to have that quot it factor quot that makes women addicted to

you Style b quot Cold readings quot and quot warm readings quot to make a woman need to

see you again Savoy c Wingmanship - how to work in pairs and groups Lovedrop d Fashion and

style - not just what clothes to own but how to know what to wear Sinn e Integrating the

Venusian arts into your lifestyle - and building a lifestyle that supports your

relationship goals DJ f Threesomes foursomes and relationship management Savoy g Frame

control and hoop theory Lovedrop 4 Questions amp Answers top

A free-form discussion that relates to specific issues or concerns of individual students.

II. The Workshop top

A Mystery Method workshop is utterly unique. Mystery and his top instructors were the

first to offer live in-field instruction to select students 5 years ago. Since then he's

taught hundreds of men many of whom have gone on to become top venusian artists. The

workshop is comprised of two basic elements demonstration and practice.

Demonstration is crucial. If you don't know what quot good quot looks like then you won't

know how to model it. Everything from body language to sequencing to tonality to social

intuition can be broken down copied and integrated in your own style. You will see us

approach and meet beautiful women and demonstrate techniques for your benefit. You will

have the opportunity to watch or even be in the same social group and to ask specific

questions about each interaction afterward.

Practice is the flip slide of the coin. Trained and experienced Mystery Method instructors

will observe your interactions over the course of a night and give you solid practical and

usable feedback. We don't sugar-coat our advice - we don't have time to do that and to

teach you everything you need to know. Over three nights we will go from observing your

quot natural quot or pre-existing game to coaching you as you integrate different elements

of Mystery Method into your style and personality. By the end of the program you should

know exactly where you are succeeding and failing and what you need to do for the next few

weeks. And you won't be doing alone - you'll have joined the Mystery Method community and

will have access - through the Mystery Lounge - to talented instructors and former

students. Share your experiences help others and seek advice. We're all in this together.