Sunday, September 9, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Describe in terms of sensation and emotion

Describe in terms of sensation and emotion

When telling stories, men tend to focus on the facts at hand, whereas women look for the sensation and emotion caused by the experience. Structure your language to take this into account. Example:

Bad: This guy grabbed my ass, can you believe that? I looked like an idiot.
Good: Then I felt a strong hand caress my ass and grip it tightly. I turned around, and there was this man with a handlebar mustache smiling suggestively at me. All the girls started laughing. I have never.. .felt so surprised.. .and embarrassed.. .in my entire life!

Notice how the above story segment conveys the emotions of surprise and embarrassment — both of which are useful during a story. Three or four story segments like this put together can lead the listener through a little emotional journey. With skilled delivery, this is a DHV, even if it doesn't reveal some value-raising factoid about your lire.

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