Monday, September 3, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Tips in the Venue

Tips in the Venue

Bars and clubs are probably not the venues where you plan to find your future wife. Nevertheless, these are target rich environments and thus are perfect for practicing game. Here are some tips:
• As a general rule — but not a dogmatic one — don't offer to buy drinks for girls. If she asks you to buy her a drink, turn her down. Although you can break this rule, it's preferable to get your game so tight that she will be buying you drinks.
• Be willing to crash and burn on every set for the entire night. Do it for fun with your wing.
• Give your wing S200. Then he gives you $20 every time you approach a set. This game is very effective.
• Be willing to go out alone if you have to.
• Don't hold your drink in front of your chest like a security blanket. Hold it low to your hip.
• Don't try to look 'cool' or 'tough,' or you will just look boring. Instead, be comfortable and friendly.
• Enthusiasm is contagious.
• Smile as you walk around the venue. Guys who don't get laid, don't smile.
• Once you open a set, stop smiling so much. You don't want to appear try-hard.
• You ran your opener, but the set didn't hook? Run another one. Stack your material if for no other reason than to get practice. Stacking routines is a useful skill in-and-of itself.
• It usually takes three warm-up approaches to really get in the groove.
• Avoid noisy areas. If you can't talk, you can't run game. Find the quiet areas of the club. And avoid the dance floor — it's a trap.

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