Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pick Up Artist - Demonstrations that create jealousy

Demonstrations that create jealousy

1. Have a female wing or pivot who is "in the know" with you,
2. Build a pawn while in the club.
So for example, you are in isolation with your target, and you do a brief takeaway.
Use a lock-in prop on her (Mystery often uses his hat) and then go find a girl from a previous set. Tell her, "I'm sitting over there with my friend, let me introduce you,"
So when you come back, you come back with a friend. Of course this 'friend' then sits in your lap. A previous set has now been merged with the new one, but instead of group-to-group, it's isolation-to-isolation. You have two different girls in C1 at the same time.
From the point of view of the girl you brought over, introducing her to one of your other 'friends' is respectful and is a comfort tactic; the fact that this friend is a hot girl helps with social proof. She also feels good when you kino her in front of the other girl.
From your target's point of view — the girl who is still wearing your lock-in prop — she now has a challenge on her hands and jealousy. Bam! Sometimes the moment she first feels jealousy is also when she first consciously realizes that she is into you, and that she wants to have you over the other girl.
If you don't have ready pawns from previous sets, you can make one when you do your takeaway. So you run off and enlist a girl to directly help you by saying, "I like this girl. Will you make her jealous for me?" It's a tool.
If you have a pivot, find her and tell her to find you and sit on your lap in two minutes.
Or just game another set quickly and then when you isolate the girl from that group, say, "I've got my friend over there, let me introduce you."

So there are several options:
1. Find your pivot
2. Enlist a girl to directly help you
3. Backwards merge to a previous set
4. Forwards merge by opening a new set and bringing the new girl back to the main target

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